Saturday, January 16, 2010


Income Level / Slabs - Male/ HUF/AOI/BOP

1.Where the total income does not exceed Rs.1,60,000/--- NIL
2.exceeds Rs.1,60,000/- but does not exceed Rs.3,00,000/--- 10% of amount exceeding Rs. 1,60,000/-
3.exceeds Rs.3,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.5,00,000/--- 20% of amount exceeding Rs. 3,00,000/ +Rs.14000/-
4.exceeds Rs.5,00,000/--- 30% of amount exceeding Rs. 5,00,000/ +Rs.54000/-

Income Level / Slabs - Women

1.Where the total income does not exceed Rs.1,90,000/--- NIL
2.exceeds Rs.1,90,000/- but does not exceed Rs.3,00,000/--- 10% of amount exceeding Rs. 1,90,000/-
3.exceeds Rs.3,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.5,00,000/--- 20% of amount exceeding
Rs. 3,00,000/ +Rs.11000/-
4.exceeds Rs.5,00,000/--- 30% of amount exceeding
Rs. 5,00,000/ +Rs.51000/-

Income Level / Slabs - Senior Citizen

1.Where the total income does not exceed Rs.2,40,000/--- NIL
2.exceeds Rs.2,40,000/- but does not exceed Rs.3,00,000/--- 10% of amount exceeding
Rs. 2,40,000/-
3.exceeds Rs.3,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.5,00,000/--- 20% of amount exceeding
Rs. 3,00,000/ +Rs.6000/-
4.exceeds Rs.5,00,000/--- 30% of amount exceeding
Rs. 5,00,000/ +Rs.46000/-

Surcharge: The surcharge on Income Tax for Individuals for total income exceeding Rs.10 lacs stands removed.

Education Cess: 3% of the total of Income-tax and Surcharge.


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